Alright, so after all this mumbo-jumbo on engagement rings, what about mine? Well, I’m not engaged (yet). But the ring’s been purchased. (Side note: YIPPEE!)
I was leaning towards a colored stone for my e-ring, though I have no moral qualms against diamonds and would happily accept one. And being the somewhat anal person that I am, I did lots of research and decided that I would love a light blue sapphire or spinel. Sapphire was particularly high on the list. For one thing, it’s the hardest natural stone next to diamonds, so it would wear well in a 24/7 ring. Secondly, it’s my birthstone. But thirdly, its gemological meaning is awesome. From gemselect.com, “Through history, sapphire symbolizes truth, sincerity, and faithfulness in relationships, and to bring peace, joy and wisdom to the wearer and owner.” Who doesn’t want that in their engagement ring?
I actually had to do a little convincing of my boyfriend to do the sapphire rather than a diamond, because he was like, “Isn’t a diamond traditional?” I explained that the sapphire has a far longer e-ring history than diamonds. But basically, he just wanted to make me happy, so a sapphire it was.
Anyway, I had given my boyfriend a document with information about my ring size as well as my likes and dislikes. And pricing started at $14 and went up, with the original idea that he would then go off on his own and choose a ring that was in keeping with some of my wishes. Well, it didn’t turn out that way.
My boyfriend’s not a shopper. And I am. And I’m rather picky (ahem). So once I pretty much figured out what I wanted we went to the jewelry store, told the sales associate how we wanted it customized, gave him the sapphire (a story for another day), and then I browsed the store while my boyfriend did the financial stuff. And I know I’m going to get a ring that I LOVE, my boyfriend’s happy because he’s giving me a ring that I will love, and he didn’t have to get annoyed with his perceived hassles of shopping. Win-win!
I was planning on this being the last post on engagement rings, but it will just be the last until somebody asks me a certain question. Then you’ll see what we’ve created.